
Ontario PET Scans

Information on Ordering PET Scans for Urology and Genitourinary Surgery in Ontario

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Call for Awards

The CUA recognises contributions by its members to the field of urology. The CUA has several awards in many categories, and we encourage you to nominate someone you believe is deserving.

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It is with great pleasure that the CUA can now confirm that funding is in place for its membership to participate in the CUA-EAU 2025 Exchange.

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CUA Call for Nominations

The nominating committee is tasked with the selection of willing volunteers to serve in open positions at the CUA.

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Bladder Neck Dissection Video

🚀 Exciting News from the Canadian Urological Association national meeting 2024 🚀

We are thrilled to share that the educational video on Bladder Neck Dissection during a Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy was presented at the at the @Canadian Urological Association

🔗 Watch the video here: Bladder Neck Dissection Video

A heartfelt thank you to the @AO Foundation and the AO Fellowship in Medical Education Research for their support and dedication to advancing medical education. 

Join us in exploring this exceptional educational resource and elevating our practice together!

#MedicalEducation #Prostatectomy #BladderNeckDissection #RobotAssistedSurgery #AOFoundation #SurgicalEducation #MedicalResearch #CUA

Coalition for Responsible Healthcare Guidelines

The Coalition for Responsible Healthcare Guidelines is a group of concerned healthcare professionals, researchers, and patient representatives.
Multiple experts from various medical fields, including primary care, have expressed concerns about the methods and processes employed by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (Task Force). These practices have led to the creation of guidelines that are often inaccurate and outdated. This page includes many of the affected guidelines and substitute recommendations from experienced experts.

This initiative has been endorsed by the Canadian Urological Association (CUA).

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Position Statement on Transgender Care

L’Association des urologues du Canada (AUC) se tient à l’avant-garde des soins centrés sur le ou la patient·e et adhère aux principes de dignité, d’inclusivité et d’excellence clinique. Nous sommes conscient·e·s et de plus en plus préoccupé·e·s par les changements législatifs proposés qui pourraient restreindre l’accès des patient·e·s transgenres d’âge mineur à des soins fondés sur des données probantes.

L’AUC souhaite affirmer qu’elle soutient pleinement le bien-être des jeunes qui s’identifient comme transgenres et les décisions en matière de soins de santé qui les concernent, et qu’elle croit que tou·te·s les Canadien·ne·s ont droit à des soins de santé sécuritaires, inclusifs et conformes aux lignes directrices, guidés par leurs professionnel·le·s de la santé.

L’AUC continuera également à appuyer ses membres qui prodiguent des soins aux patient·e·s transgenres, par le biais d’activités continues de défense des intérêts et d’initiatives éducatives de pointe.

Listing of CUA Clinical Tools

CUA-developed clinical tools are all available just one click away on:


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