Page 18 - Flipbook
P. 18

Monitoring                                                                                           Dual ICI

        What do I watch for? Watch for immune-related side effects from ICI.
        Immune-related side effects can happen to any part of the body. Report any symptom you           ICI     ICI
        think could be a side effect. Some side effects that you should be particularly aware of include:

                   1  Skin                                                   3  Breathing Problems
                       •  Skin side effects usually happen first and            •  Report any new or worsening symptoms
                         are more common than side effects                        related to your breathing to your cancer
                         affecting other parts of the body                        care team.
                       •  Skin related side effects can include                 •  Symptoms that should be reported to the
                         rash, itching and/or sores in the mouth                  cancer care team include trouble
                       •  Report any new itching or rash anywhere                 breathing that is worse than normal, dry
                         on the body to your cancer care team                     cough that is new or getting worse or
                                                                                  a fever (temperature of 38.3˚C or 38˚C
                                                                                  for over an hour)
                   2  Diarrhea and/or Bowel Changes
                       •  Report any new diarrhea, cramping in the
                         belly, and/or blood in the stool to your
                         cancer care team
                       •  Talk to your cancer care team before       Side effects are more frequent and more severe with
                         taking anti-diarrhea medications            dual ICI combinations than when only one ICI agent
                         (ie. Imodium )
                                                                     is used.

        (See page 43 in COMMUNICATIONS section for guidance if after hours)
        Adapted from: Horizons Health Network

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