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Oliver Sartor

The evolving landscape of PSMA-targeted radioligand therapies in mCRPC

Section 3
Max. Credits: 3.0
November 2023

Aly-Khan Lalani and Toni Choueiri

Canadian Expert Discussion on Optimizing RCC Treatment

Section 3
Max. Credits: 3.0
December 2023

CUAJ December 2023: A Canadian center’s experience on whole-gland salvage therapy for radio-recurrent prostate cancer with various modalities

Section 3
Max. Credits: 3.0
December 2023

17th Atlantic Canada Urologic Oncology Group Multidisciplinary Meeting

November 2023

R. Breau, D. Soulières, N. Alimohamed, C. Canil, K. Chi

CUA Highlights of ESMO 2023

Section 3
Max. Credits: 7.5
November 2023

CUA-GUMOC Community Medical Oncologists Regional Meetings: Vancouver Edition

October 2023

CUA Call-to-Action Meeting: Advanced Prostate Cancer (mCSPC)

October 2023

CUA-GUMOC Community Medical Oncologists Regional Meetings: Toronto Edition

September 2023

CUAJ October 2023: Benign prostatic hyperplasia surgical re-treatment after prostatic urethral lift

Section 3
Max. Credits: 3.0
October 2023

CUA 2023 Guideline: Genetic Testing in Prostate Cancer

Section 3
Max. Credits: 3.0
October 2023