CPD Community Urologist Grants



The objective of the CUA Community Urologist Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Grant Program is to support Community Urologists in scholarly initiatives that improve urological care in Canada.

Application Requirements 

Please have the following documents ready when you begin your application:

1) A letter of intent, not exceeding one (1) page, standard 12 point font, outlining the proposed CPD initiative and how the CPD activity meets the objective of the grant

  • For Research Proposals only: Instead of the letter of intent, please provide a two-page proposal with the following sections: Introduction, Study Objective(s), Methods, Impact/Deliverables

All letters should be addressed to: Nathan Perlis, Interim Chair, CPD Committee 

2) A budget, including all sources of funding

3) Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Questions? Please contact:

Marfisa Defrancesco, Grant Manager