CUA Educational Content

CUA Annual Meeting 2024 - EDUCATIONAL FORUMS

Educational Forum Recordings from Victoria, BC  //  June 29 - July 1, 2024

Educational Forum 1 - Endourology- What is the State-of-the-Art in 2024?

Educational Forum 2 - Quality Improvement in Urology - Untapped Potential – Where Can We Go From Here?

Educational Forum 3 - Most Common Questions Urologists Ask Pediatric Urologists

Educational Forum 4 - Urologic Care in Geriatric Patients

Educational Forum 5 - Sunsetting, Streamlining, and Sparing Unnecessary Care in Urology

Educational Forum 6 - Optimizing BPH Outcomes Using Decision-Making Algorithms

Educational Forum 7 - Myth-busting and Dogma-destroying in Urology

Educational Forum 1 - Endourology- What is the State-of-the-Art in 2024?

Educational Forum 2 - Quality Improvement in Urology - Untapped Potential – Where Can We Go From Here?

Educational Forum 3 - Most Common Questions Urologists Ask Pediatric Urologists

Educational Forum 4 - Urologic Care in Geriatric Patients

Educational Forum 5 - Sunsetting, Streamlining, and Sparing Unnecessary Care in Urology

Educational Forum 6 - Optimizing BPH Outcomes Using Decision-Making Algorithms

Educational Forum 7 - Myth-busting and Dogma-destroying in Urology